5 Springtime Home Maintenance To-Do’s

5 Springtime Home Maintenance To-Do’s

Spring is almost here and now would be the perfect time to tackle some small maintenance matters that will definitely save you time and money down the road. Mr. Honey Do Services is on-call to assist you with all your Spring maintenance needs. He are 5 helpful Springtime maintenance tips to-do before Spring arrives:

1) Window Screens: It is that time of year when we want to open up the windows and let the fresh Spring air in! To prepare for this, make sure you check all the window screens around your home now. Are they all secure? Are any of them cut, ripped or have bent or broken frames? By taking care of them now, you will avoid increased costs and lengthy lead-times (waits) in the near future when everyone begins opening up their homes.

2) Air Filters: Speaking of clean air, take a few minutes to change out your air filters. Regularly changed filters will not only maintain good air quality in your home, they will keep your HVAC system working effectively and efficiently. You will want to make sure to change the filters out regularly during the Spring to assist will filtering out spores, pollen and other Spring-time allergens.

3) Door & Window Seals: Blooming flowers are not the only things to come out as we move into Spring…insects and the heat creep up as well. Inspect the inside and outside of your home around the window sills and trim as well as the openings around the doors. Use a screw driver to test for wet and rotted wood. Weatherstripping and threshold replacements are simple and cost effective ways to keep the bugs and heat out.

4) Smoke / CO2 Detectors: If your smoke alarms are powered by a nine-volt battery, they should be replaced at least once a year. The Detector itself should be replaced once every 10 years. For 10-year lithium-powered smoke alarms, you won’t need to replace the battery. Instead, replace the entire alarm after 10 years have passed. Mr. Honey Do Services can quickly change out your batteries or detectors, especially in those hard-to-reach places.

5) Ceiling Fans: If you put off installing a ceiling fan last year, telling yourself “I’ll do it next year”, now is the time to get it done! Or if your ceiling fan(s) have seen better days and need to be replaced, we can quickly change them out for you. The benefit of a ceiling fan is that it moves the air around and cools the skin. After choosing the right fan for your living space, give Mr. Honey Do Services a call for a quick and inexpensive install.